Board Location: Europe Is the highest level in the Federal Undercover Agency They are a group of 5 men and women who are responsible for establishing agencies around the world, directly speak with government officials, and are conferred by Branch Heads for high priority assignments as needed. They can veto an assignment if not according to FUA guidelines
Second Tier Board Jury Location: Across the Globe Is second in command, however, has limited knowledge into assignments to avoid biases during court proceedings The FUA is not considered a legal institution, so their court system does not follow individual city or country laws. The FUA has its own courts, with an FUA Judge (the top most of the Second Tier Board) and 13 jurors. Court proceedings occur only if: Agents are being investigated by an FUA or non-FUA police force The assignment does not have diplomatic immunity The FUA must have a complete investigation with no external assistance from local police force The charged party has not chosen the regular court system (which they have available once throughout FUA investigations)
*FUA Branch Heads may decide not to inform the charged party of this option if they are considered a High Priority Assignment. This assists in eliminating any potential loss of evidence when it goes to the traditional court systems *Any evidence gathered during an FUA assignment cannot be used as it may have been illegally obtained for traditional courts
Branch Head Location: Across the Globe Branches are localized in major cities of Countries, Provinces, and States that are centralized. Each branch has a Branch Head that manages agents, assignments, and directly communicate with the Board.
Science Unit Location: Across the Globe (not accessible in every Branch) The FUA is introduced to technology earlier than any other agency to allow for field experiments, and to monitor high risk/sought out weapons, drugs or technology.
Communication Devices: Developed by Mrs. Ember and her mentor, Dr. Reshma Communication devices can be converted into watches, necklaces, bracelets, etc.. They were invented for communication anywhere in the world via FUA satellites. With the help of nanotechnology, they can store inanimate objects within a holographic display that can be shrunk down to terabytes or grown to regular sizing. They have become a staple, and beneficial tool for any working agent. They track agents' locations, heartrate, and proximity to other people. This helps to prevent anything from being spoken aloud when agents are in a dangerous situation. If within a certain proximity, communication will be strictly written in the face of whatever device the agent has.
*Exceptions will be made depending on the model the agent uses. *Zack has a model that is two years old. *Since Saskatoon is a smaller Branch, they unfortunately do not receive up-to-date equipment. Mrs. Ember works hard to upgrade what she can, yet, she is limited.*
Agents Location: Across the Globe Agents investigate: Terrorist organizations threatening FUA associated countries Political personnel that claim diplomatic immunity but are being questioned for misdemeanors in an associated country Serial murders that have crossed country borders Assist in escorting officials or VIP personnel if a threat is imminent while in foreign land or non-associated country High Risk Assignments that traditional government agencies have deemed out of their legal bounds To assist in relocation of high profile witnesses that have been erased from all databases
Rescue Team The FUA Rescue Team is a specialized unit created from highly trained and skilled agents who are deployed in search and rescue assignments. Which includes, but not limited to: Agent Retrieval Natural Disaster Rescue (Avalanche, Earthquake, Rock/Landslide, Volcanic Eruption, Flood, Tornado etc.) Water and Fire Rescue
Rescue Team Agents are the most specialized agents and are permitted to take on High Risk Assignments from another country if requested by the country's FUA or government officials
Youth Program The youth program came into effect as an experiment in 2005. The Board tested the abilities of 11+ year old agents. A worldwide selection process occurred to bring twelve nationally awarded martial arts students in to provide them with agent training. The program was a roaring success as kids were able to infiltrate civilian populations easier without being suspected. This program heavily trained, and developed well rounded agents. Since 2005, each year a process of bringing in 25 youths per branch has occurred. Successful candidates become agents, while unsuccessful are either recycled into other parts of the FUA system, or have medically induced memory wipes. At 18, agents would specialize into other units (Science or Rescue Team) to continue growing in the Agency. Branch Heads are legally the guardian of underaged agents. When called out, the underaged agent must report to the Branch Head or their supervising agent. Assignments must be reviewed and signed off by the Branch Head before assignments are taken on by an underage agent. An underaged agent will be assigned a supervisory agent at the point of training graduation until they make up 10,000 hours of field experience. An underage agent will gain more autonomy as they will then take on assignments without supervisory agents, and will generally gain a partner agent to work with
*Saskatoon FUA Branch limited the Youth Program and only accepts 10 students each year, but only has 3-5 actually graduate. *Zack selects assignments that do not require a partner. Not every agent has a partner, but a high percentage do